Den Breejen is active in the repair market for every conceivable type of ship including cargo ships, cutter suction dredgers, tugs, pushers and passenger ships. We sandblast or hydro-jet corroded surfaces and old layers of paint, and paint every imaginable surface on both the inside and outside of the ship.
Short and Sweet
Thanks to its large number of professionals and necessary equipment, the Den Breejen Group can blast and conserve a complete ship quickly, within a very short time frame. No compromises are made when it comes to the quality of the paint work. For ship owners, this means the expense of keeping ships ashore is kept to a minimum.
In many cases, Den Breejen performs blasting and conservation activities outside normal working hours at the partner site. This ensures the most effective work environment for our partners by minimising disruption to their own repair and maintenance work. This flexibility makes us a unique and pleasant partner to work with.
One of the exceptional assets Den Breejen has to offer, is that of professionals who can renew the original lettering on ships. The results are perfect paintwork in every respect.
Permanently on Location
For our largest clients’ repair and maintenance work, we integrate blasting and painting by temporarily establishing ourselves at the external location, anywhere in the world. Our people, blasting halls, facilities and other equipment are established at our partner’s site. In other cases, Den Breejen can provide flexible and appropriate solutions thanks to its mobile workforce, facilities and equipment.